Legal, philosophical and scientific barriers for local and traditional knowledge.
9am-10.30am UK timeCommunity-led practices and transdisciplinary governance.
10.45am-12.15pm UK timeLocal knowledge for a more equitable policy and governance.
1.15pm-2.45pm UK timeThe value and importance of situated forms of knowledge by Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLC) has been increasingly rediscovered in recent debates that have aimed to foster a more diverse and inclusive ocean governance.
The aim of this workshop of the RSE network Ocean and Us is to bring together an array of expert voices across different parts of the world who represent local communities and their situated knowledge. The workshop explores both the advances being made in fostering a more equitable ocean governance as well as the obstacles still laying ahead with varieties of epistemic injustices that might hinder the process.
Showcasing stories of local communities and their situated knowledge.
9am-11am UK timeSpeakers:
Local knowledge meets UN policy
11.15am-12.50pm UK timeSpeakers:
Scientific, legal and philosophical aspects concerning the role of local knowledge
2pm-4.45pm UK timeSpeakers:
Scientific Knowledge Across Jurisdictions + Ocean and Us