Eilean – The Island Photography of Margaret Fay Shaw...
John and Margaret Campbell of Canna collected hundreds of Gaelic songs on both sides of the Atlantic...
Fiona explores the many-faceted lives of women and examines how their lives do (or do not) change, by comparing their work, fashion, pastimes and families...
Canna is the venue for the tweed-waulking event Waulk on the Wild Side this month. To coincide with this, Canna archivist Fiona has produced a gallery of some images...
In this episode we chat to Kyla Orr who is the Co-Founder of Kelp Crofting...
Spencer, HM, Buckman, J, Forster, AM & Kennedy, CJ 2018, ‘Chemical characterisation of glass waste and crucible fragments from the late 17th – early 18th century Scottish glass manufacturing site at Morison’s Haven, East Lothian’, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 18, pp. 437-466.
Kennedy, CJ 2017, ‘Development of the Skills and Materials Used in the Scottish Glass Industry from 1750’, Scottish Business and Industrial History, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 18-43.
Kennedy, CJ, Murdoch, KR & Forster, AM 2015, ‘Assessment of the survival of historic window glass at Newhailes, Edinburgh, using portable x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy’, Glass Technology – European Journal of Glass Science and Technology Part A, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 63-69.
Kennedy, CJ, Murdoch, KR & Kirk, S 2013, ‘Characterization of archaeological and in situ Scottish window glass’, Archaeometry, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 465-478.
Thompson, W.P.L. Kelp-making in Orkney, The Orkney Press, Orkney, 1983
Turnbull, J. The Scottish Glass Industry 1610-1750, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edinburgh, 2001
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